Max Mode List

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This is a page dedicated to the Max Mode List community! There are tons of fan-created lists, info/documents about in-server events, and a lot of other helpful documents made by the community.

Request a Warn Removal

This is a public submission form for requesting a warn of yours to be removed in the MML Discord server. Requests for a warn to be removed must happen at least 3 months after that warn was issued. Each individual warn can only be challenged once; subsequent requests will be ignored. Removing a warn CAN result in a banned individual being un-banned.



The Maxathon is a yearly event that takes place around June to August, in which players had a month to collectively rebeat all of the max modes on the Main List. View the sheets and forms of the previous or ongoing Maxathons below.


20 Days, 20 Max Modes

20 Days, 20 Max Modes was an event hosted by Walug123 in February of 2023. Certain large community players did specific max modes, similar to the 12 Demons of Christmas in GD.

20 Days, 20 Max Modes 2

20 Days, 20 Max Modes 2 was an event hosted by Walug123 in June of 2024. Same premise as the previous one and showcases new max modes and new players.

20 Days, 20 Legacy Max Modes

20 Days, 20 Legacy Max Modes was an event hosted by TheYeBoy in July-August of 2023. Various community players did specific max modes only in Legacy, similar to the 20 Days, 20 Max Modes.

The Max Modes Alphabet

The Max Modes Alphabet was an event hosted by ToadXW in August of 2023. Various community players did max modes only beginning in one letter of the alphabet, similar to the Extreme Demon Alphabet in GD.

Max Mode Showcase Charity Event

The Maxmode Showcase Charity Event was a live-streamed event on August 11th, 2024, in which many players of the Maxmode community showed off modes for The Trevor Project. Astralspiff and TheBones5 hosted this event. The event raised $10.5k.

12 Max Modes of Christmas

12 Max Modes of Christmas was an event hosted by FreddyGamePlayer in December of 2024. Various community players did specific max modes, similar to the 20 Days, 20 Max Modes.


The MML FNaF Progression is a document created to help you track your progress as you continue your max mode journey! You can download this document and check off the modes you've completed as you go along. The skillsets and information about each mode should help steer you in the direction of what you'd like to improve upon skill wise. This document is akin to the GDDP (Geometry Dash Demon Progression), but for the MML instead.

Document created by CzarIsActual



A partially official list that takes the modes on the Unverified Modes page and ranks them. The MML collaborates with it; the UML ranks the direct difficulty, while the list just lists them.

Created by Furaco and managed by lucas8326


A fan-made modes list that ranks the modes listed in the Rejected Games document based on difficulty. This list ranks modes on what their placements would be if allowed on the MML.

Created and managed by Iaon


A fan-made modes list that ranks various modes and challenges within the Five Nights at Wario's official series and fangames. The FCL is one of the largest fan-made lists we have on the site!

Created and managed by Iaon


A barebones ranking of all of the modes on the Main List (as up to date as possible) with ONLY modes from Mods, Alterations, and Unofficial Remakes of official FNaF games and fangames.

Created and managed by TheYeBoy


A fan-made modes list that ranks various modes and challenges from UCN and some QOL mods. This list just ranks the barebones ranking of these modes in order of difficulty.

Created by ruby and managed by Asknaf


A fan-made modes list that ranks modes that are impossible to be beaten/verified and their reasons for them.

Created and managed by guyyyy


A barebones ranking of all of the modes on the Main List (as up to date as possible) without any modes from Mods, Alterations, or Unofficial Remakes of official FNaF games and fangames.

Created and managed by TheYeBoy